Saturday, August 6, 2011

What is a VATS Lobectomy?

According to the American Cancer Society, nearly 220,000 new cases of lung cancer (LC) was diagnosed in 2009. Nearly 160,000 people have died from the disease during the same year. It is the leading cause of cancer related death in both sexes. Surgical approach to resolving the situation included wedge resections, lobectomies and pneumonectomies.Svrha this article is to explore ways in which lobectomies are performed. It is an operation during which a lobe of your lung is excised.

The operation has evolved considerably over the past few decades. It used to be an invasive procedure that is accompanied by a high level of postoperative pain and long recovery period. Today, the approach taken an increasing number of surgeons provides much better result.

In the following, we will once again traditional lobectomies and explain how to perform. While minimally invasive techniques are better, some circumstances make this approach inappropriate. We will also describe the basics of VATS lobectomy and explain some of the tests involved in determining whether you are eligible. Finally, you'll learn what to expect while recovering in hospital and at home.

The traditional explanation lobectomy

traditional lobectomies performed through a thoracotomy, open access to prsima.Dugi incision was made by the surgeon in the side of the chest between the ribs. The whole operation was completed through this one rez.Pacijenta ribs are spread apart with a retractor to provide the surgical team enough room to access the lung. Then, the necessary instruments are inserted into the chest cavity in order to clarify and remove the diseased lobe.

because it is invasive thoracotomy, the patient will experience a significant amount of pain after surgery. In addition, a few weeks needed to recover to the extent that the continuation of normal activities.

Fundamentals of VATS lobectomy

Lobectomies can also be performed using video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS). It is a minimally invasive alternative to thoracotomy. Instead of making a long incision in the patient's chest and spreading the ribs, the surgeon makes several small incisions on both sides of the chest. Most are less than one inch.

thin instrument called a thoracoscope is inserted through one of the incisions. It is a little light and camera attached to the top. As a surgeon takes thoracoscope into the chest cavity, the camera sends images back to the video monitor. These images provide the surgeon with a clearer view of the lungs and surrounding structures than can be achieved through a thoracotomy.

Additional instruments are inserted through other small incisions to reduce and extract the diseased lobe.

determine whether you are a candidate

Patients who have lung cancer that has progressed into phase II May not be suitable candidates for VATS lobektomije.Postupak is usually reserved for those with tumors smaller than 3 cm. Moreover, if cancer cells have metastasized beyond the lung, video-assisted thoracic surgery generally is excluded as an option. In such cases, as well as those in which tumors are large, traditional thoracotomy is often recommended.

is recovering in hospital and at home

after VATS lung cancer surgery, you can expect to remain in hospital for four days (although some patients are published in just two days). During this time, nurses and surgical team will work closely with you to help you recover. Once your doctor is convinced that your body is tolerated procedure and is recovering well, you will be released from the hospital.

before returning home, your doctor will give instructions on how to keep the place clean cut, the types of activities to avoid, and recommended diet. Most patients are able to return to their jobs (unless their work requires strenuous activity) within a few weeks. By the sixth week, you May be able to continue with normal routines, including strenuous activities.

VATS lobectomies are a popular approach to dealing with early stage lung cancer. Talk with your doctor to determine whether this minimally invasive technique is available and fits your circumstances.


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