Da .. It is not rocket science! defective valve can now be repaired or replaced through a small incision in the chest. This procedure is known as minimally invasive aortic valve replacement. Many heart surgeons in the United States did not have time, ability or willingness to catch up with this revolutionary advancement in the field of heart surgery and will still offer the old-fashioned 12-14 "incision through the sternum (median sternotomy). It is often up to heart patients and their families to explore the demand for these advanced techniques of minimally invasive aortic valve replacement. If it is not available in your area, you are better off traveling to the center where it is routinely performed. This article will teach you everything you need to know to understand what surgery is available to you and to identify professional minimally invasive aortic valve heart surgeon.
This modern procedure is done safely and accurately through the 2 "incision between the ribs on the right side prsa.Rez is located just across the valve that needs replacing and is well known among surgeons as Minithoracotomy. Here is a list of the advantages of minimally invasive aortic valve replacement techniques of the old-fashioned breast bone splitting:
professional minimally invasive heart surgeon can perform all heart valve operations through minithoracotomy in over 90% of his patients. Always feel free to be very specific about what you want and ask many questions to the doctor. If you say that this procedure can be done in your case, ask why! Let me emphasize this point: the vast majority of patients who need aortic valve surgery are suitable candidates for minimally invasive aortic valve replacement. in expert hands there are no restrictions on age, overall condition of the patient or body weight. Insist on it. It's your body, your heart is, it's your life!
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